pain free dentistry

When referring to pain-free dentistry, this normally involves pain management and placing an individuals who has a fear of the dentist or dental treatment to a deep sleep so they do not have any re-collection of the treatment and does not feel any pain during treatment. General anaesthesia uses a combination of intravenous drugs or inhaled gas to put you in a state of total unconsciousness.

When you need general anaesthesia or sleep sedation?

General anaesthesia (GA) is normally administered only for the surgical part of a dental treatment when a patient does not need to participate in making decisions during dental treatment. It is only recommended if the individual is healthy to undergo GA.

At BIDH sedation dental clinic, all cases undergoing IV sedation and general anesthesia will be screened and treated by a licensed anesthesiologist. An anesthesiologist is a specially trained doctor who specializes in anesthesia, pain management and critical care medicine. The doctor monitors your vital functions and manages your breathing during the sedation process.

pain-free dentistry

Benefits of GA

General anesthesia enables a controlled, reversible state of unconsciousness. Its main advantage is that simple to complex surgical procedures can be done by your dentist.

  • You do not feel any pain during surgery.
  • There is no unpleasant memories and you do not recall the treatment.
  • Allows the use of muscle relaxants.
  • Facilitates complete control of the airway, breathing, and circulation.
  • Can be used for cases who has sensitivity to local anesthesia.
general anesthesia


General anesthesia is in overall very safe for healthy individuals under the age 65 years old. Older adults or individuls with serious medical problems may have an increased risk of possible complications for dental sedation. Otherwise, whilst GA is safe, it may cause side effects that carry risks.

Your risk of complications is more closely related to you general physical health relative to the type of anesthesia opted.

Sleep Dentistry Topic by Anaesthesiologist

Listen to our anaesthesiologist doctor at BIDH dental implant clinci and oral surgery center on the uses of having dental sedations, the benefits, risks and procedure when undergoing sleep dentistry. For individuals with a fear of dental treatment or dental phobia, various sedations options will help to address your concerns.

Dental Sedation Options

Sleep Sedation Procedure

At BIDH oral surgery center, we follow sedative dentistry workflow procedure based on American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA). At our oral surgery hospital, a general anesthesiologist doctor and registered trained nurses take care of all cases undergoing moderate sedation to deep sedation cases.

top dental implant dentist

1. Assessment and Sedation Arrangement

Before the start of dental sedation, you will first be assessed on the need for sedation. If opted, you are referred to our anesthesiologist who conducts a health assessment on your health history, a physical examination, review for past illness history, bood laboratory tests and certain any additional investigation. Your anesthesialogist checks to ensure you have a good safety level for IV sedation or general anaesthesia. After the receipt of reports and assessment with a clear go ahead, you day of surgery is booked.

sleep dentistry

2. Patient preparation

Before the day of your surgery, you will be instructed by your doctor not to consume food and liquids, what to do and to wear on the day surgery. You are advised to have an accompaying companion with you for the first 24 hours after discharge from sedation and surgery.

On your actual day of appointment, you will be registered on Level 2 of BIDH’s in-patient care department. You will be asked to change to sterilized clothing with any belonging kept in a locker. Please leave any valuables at home.

painless dental treatment

3. Care during sedation dentistry

After changing, you are moved to BIDH’s specially-designed operating theatre. Our team of nurses and your anesthesialogist will walk through and be with you at each step. Your anesthesialogist then sedates you for moderate or deep sedation dental specialists will there to greet you and have all equipment pre-prepared for you. You will be monitored on your consciousness level, blood oxygenation saturation, ventilation and respiratory rate, blood pressure and heart rate with a electrocardiogram every 5 minutes during investigation procedure or surgery.

dental sedation care

3. Care after surgery and dental sedation

After oral surgery or treatments has been completed, you are moved to a post anaesthesia care unit  (PACU) at BIDH dental hospital after GA. The registered nurse will monitors you at regular intervals until you are fully conscious. Your anesthesiologist does an assessment tbefore you are signed off and discharged. A companion may be avail to bring you home and monitor you for the first 24 hours if you not staying overnight at the dental hospital.

Sleep Dentistry or General Anesthesia (GA)

General Anesthesia is suitable for patients who are afraid of dental treatment due to pain or anxiety as they will have no re-collection of treatment. The video highlights General Anesthesia Journey (GA) on what to expect if undergoing deep sedation process.

SEdation videos

General Anesthesia RECOVERY

How long does it take for GA to be out of your body system?

Most people are awake in the recovery room immediately after an operation but may feel groggy for the first few hours. It may take up to a week for the general anesthesia medication to completely be rid out of your system. Most individauls do not feel the much effect after after about 24 hours.

What are the side effects of general anesthesia?

Most of the side effects of GA are minor and temporary. Side effect may include :

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dry mouth, mild hoarseness or sore throat where a breathing tube has been used
  • Muscle aches or itching
  • Shivering or chills
  • Sleepiness
  • Confusion or short-term loss for a few days; long-term memory and learning problems (more susceptible for aging or elderly individual)
  • Breathing problems or difficulty during and after surgery (more susceptible for obstructive sleep apnea individuals)

Sources :

  • About General anesthesia, Mayo clinic
  • Anesthesia Risks, American Socieeety of Anesthsiologist, ASAHQ

dental Sedation clinic for Pain-free dentistry

Why should you choose BIDH thailand dental center for sedative dentistry?

Hospital-based Patient Safety Standards 

dental implant care

Having sedation dentistry assures on patient safety. As BIDH dental hospital is a licensed hospital, its sterilization and treatment standards surpasses that of a dental clinic. We abide by international patients safety goals and we have a quality team that specially manages, trains and monitors on quality, infection prevent and control indicators. This ensure our patients are professionally treated consistently.

Sedation can be a critical procedure. To assure that you are in safe hands, the safety standards of your selected medical provider and the qualifications of your doctors with a valid clear license is important that we verify for at our dental hospital.

Licensed Anesthesiologist and Registered Nurses


BIDH prides itself on having a top dental team. We select our dentists, doctors and nurses based on their certification and skilled experienced. Our anesthesiologist doctor is anesthesiologist board certified and our registerd nurses are instructed on emergency care.

Each of oral surgeons and implantologists at BIDH dental sedation clinic hospital has more than 10 years of experience. Many are international speakers and dental experts in their field of specializations who lecturers and trains other dentists within Thailand.

Specially Designed Operating Theatres for Dentistry and Oral Surgeries

sedation dentistry

Our operating theatre at BIDH dental hospital is specially designed for dentistry and oral surgeries. We following hospital standards on clean zones, sterilization and are fully-equipped for emergency situations with trained ACLS nurses.

As a specialist hospital, we focus solely on one medical area - excellence in dentistry. Part of Thailand's largest and award-winning dental network group, we have consolidated know-how across the dental sector with first-rate resources to be the best at what we do at our dental sedation clinic department.

One-Stop Dental Service Center

fear of dentist

Our dental sedation services, oral surgery and dental implant center is a one-stop dental center. We provide a weide full range of dental services engaging Thailand's premier elites specialists.

BIDH dental hospital has its own dedicated on-site ceramic dental laboratory within its dental building. This shortern treatment timings as prostheses teeth work can be controlled, adjusted and delivered for you without queues. Regardless of surgical and aesthetic dental treatment. We service our patients as effiicent to the best of our abilities as possible.

complimentary consultation

Make an advance appointment to enquire if deep sedation with general anesthesia is suited for you or on pain-free dentistry options.

Conclusions – pain free dentistry

BIDH has a specially designed operating theatre for sleep dentistry sedation. With selected anesthesiologist doctors and a team of registered nurse with emergency experience, BIDH sedation dentistry center treats patients with fear of dentists and dental anxiety via general anesthesia (GA).

Before opting for dental sedation, informed benefits and risks are discussed with you, your dentist and anesthesiologist. Safety health checks and assessments are first taken to ensure that safety measures and precautions is planned for and checked including preparations of changing certain medications safer for you before GA, monitoring for specific side effects or complications or advising stopping certain medications, loosing weight to reduce risks of GA side effects.

BIDH dental hospital in one of Thailand’s leading oral surgery center. Sleep dentistry is suited for oral surgery treatments such as multiple surgical or wisdom teeth extractions, dental implant post placements, major block bonegrafting, orthognathic jaw surgery and complex biopsies.

sedation dentistry options

Dental sedation options offered BIDH thailand dental center.

Mimimal sedation

Oral sedation whereby you conscious and in a relaxed state.

Moderate sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a sem-conscious or twilight state

Deep Sedation and GA

In a deep sleep and in an unconscious state.