pain free dentistry
When referring to pain-free dentistry, this normally involves pain management and placing an individuals who has a fear of the dentist or dental treatment to a deep sleep so they do not have any re-collection of the treatment and does not feel any pain during treatment. General anaesthesia uses a combination of intravenous drugs or inhaled gas to put you in a state of total unconsciousness.
When you need general anaesthesia or sleep sedation?
General anaesthesia (GA) is normally administered only for the surgical part of a dental treatment when a patient does not need to participate in making decisions during dental treatment. It is only recommended if the individual is healthy to undergo GA.
At BIDH sedation dental clinic, all cases undergoing IV sedation and general anesthesia will be screened and treated by a licensed anesthesiologist. An anesthesiologist is a specially trained doctor who specializes in anesthesia, pain management and critical care medicine. The doctor monitors your vital functions and manages your breathing during the sedation process.
Benefits of GA
General anesthesia enables a controlled, reversible state of unconsciousness. Its main advantage is that simple to complex surgical procedures can be done by your dentist.
- You do not feel any pain during surgery.
- There is no unpleasant memories and you do not recall the treatment.
- Allows the use of muscle relaxants.
- Facilitates complete control of the airway, breathing, and circulation.
- Can be used for cases who has sensitivity to local anesthesia.
General anesthesia is in overall very safe for healthy individuals under the age 65 years old. Older adults or individuls with serious medical problems may have an increased risk of possible complications for dental sedation. Otherwise, whilst GA is safe, it may cause side effects that carry risks.
Your risk of complications is more closely related to you general physical health relative to the type of anesthesia opted.